On Page Optimization SEO Guide

SEO Guide
SEO Guide

On page Optimization is also called On-site SEO. It refers to the on-page SEO of your web pages to improve the website in Search Engine Ranking and get organic traffic. Furthermore, to publishing relevant, creative content, on-page SEO includes the headings, HTML tags (title, slug, meta description), and alt tags of all images. You make sure your website has a high level of expertise, authority, and trustworthiness.

Why is On page SEO Optimization important?

On-page SEO is essential because it helps the search engine understand your website and its content, whether relevant to your users and the searcher’s query.The search engine is more sophisticated, and there is a focus Keyphrase towards the relevancy and semantics in search engine results pages.

Focus Keyphrase:

Our primary focus is to be focus Keyphrase. Your focus Keyphrase should be long tail. If you have a new site and choose the short tail keyword, you can’t rank your website. So thats why you will choose a long-tail keyword for your website.

Title Tag:

The title tag and HTML tag exist in the head section of every web page. It provides an initial or context as to the subject matter. It is featured prominently in the search engine results pages as well as in the browser window.

Meta Description:

The meta description is essential for the optimization point. Meta description, meta tags that provide the definition and content of what the page about are often displayed in the SERP underneath the page’s title.


If you are writing any content or writing on any niche, you must use the headings like H1 heading, H2, H3 headings in your content because the heading is the beauty of your content. You use short paragraphs and write to the point with an explanation. Users need relevant content and to-the-point content. If your content is helpful, the user will give the best review.

Header Tags:

When you are writing the content of your website or any content, you must put the selected keywords in your content. First of all, use the keyword in the H1 heading, H2, H3, and use other keywords in the range.

SEO Writing:

SEO writing means writing content with all the search engines and users in your mind. There is a strategy behind your writing and creative content. You are using selected keywords in your creative content. Auditing your specific content is very crucial because it is helpful to you. Content audits can significantly help your SEO strategy, and they should be done regularly.

Image Optimization:

When you add the images to your website or webpages, you don’t use the img alt attribute in your webpage. Properly optimizing images will help you to make the most valuable SEO assets.

Internal Link:

An internal link is also called the inbound link internally to other pages in your website. It is beneficial to the visitors and also helpful to the Search Engines. When adding internal links, you make sure to have the relevant anchor text is the clickable text as a hyperlink. Your selected Keyphrase is relevant to the page you are linking.

External Link:

The external link is also called the outbound link. The use of outbound links is that when visitors need more knowledge and other kinds of material, and you also added the external link, visitors can go to another site using your external link.